QADSAN token-shares market game

What is QADSAN?
QADSAN is a GameFI platform that allows people to place bets on virtual companies token-shares and get high returns from trading them.
A QADSAN market game player can trade token-shares of 10 “virtual companies”. Each of those companies have their own name and logo, but they often referred to by the number under which they are listed.
QADSAN Basic Rules
- QADSAN market game works without interruption, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- There are token-shares of 10 virtual companies on the market.
- There are 3 types of companies traded:
Ordinary companies (1-7)Privileged company (8)
High-yield and high-risk companies (9,10)
- Ordinary companies (1-7)
GGL (Global Gaming Ltd.): Specializes in the development and sale of virtual games and gaming accessories.
PPL (Pure Power Ltd.): Engages in the production and sale of virtual energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines.
NIK (Nano Innovations Kinetics): Works in the field of nanotechnology, creating virtual materials and components for various industries.
MCR (Mega Construction & Realty): Responsible for the construction and management of virtual buildings and infrastructure.
PPS (Perfect Pharma Solutions): Produces and sells virtual pharmaceutical products and medical equipment.
VIS (Virtual Investment Services): A financial company providing virtual investment and brokerage services.
TEL (Telecom Enterprises Ltd.): Provides virtual telecommunication services, including internet, mobile communication, etc.
The prices of these companies token-shares change chaotically from the point of view of the players – almost like on a real stock exchange. The likelihood of their rise and fall is in accordance with changes in the token-shares prices.
However, no one token-share holder can lose more than 20% of their invested capital during one round (trading session).
One round (trading session) is the period between changes in prices for token-shares of gaming companies. - Privileged company (8)
FAC (Financial Advisory Corp.): A privileged company offering financial consulting and analytical services.
The value of this company token-shares is supported by the QADSAN, so its value is constantly growing at an average rate of 10% per month (up to approximately 215% per year).
To ensure this monthly increase, QADSAN has established a Special Reserve Fund that is continually replenished by deducting a predetermined amount from the QADSAN’s income (a commission of 3% is charged on every buy transaction involving 1 to 8 token-shares, and a commission ranging from 5% to 9% is charged for transactions involving 9 and 10 token-shares).
A fall in the value of this company token-shares is theoretically possible in the event of the following situation: if a panic rises among the token-shares holders and demand for all token-shares on the market stops, in other words, the Special Reserve Fund dries up.
But even in this unimaginable situation, the price of the token-shares of the Privileged Company (8), according to the rules regulating the fall in prices the Privileged Company, cannot fall by more than 10% per round.
Also, auxiliary stabilization funds exist that ensure the normal operation of QADSAN and guarantee liquidity in any scenario.*
- High-yield and high-risk companies (9,10)
APP (Appetite Technologies): Develops and sells virtual food and beverage products.
TES (Tech & Eco Systems): Works in the field of ecology and sustainable development, creating virtual ecosystems and technologies to support them.
The description of these companies speaks for itself.
The value of token shares for these companies consistently and rapidly grows – possibly at rates of up to 50% and 100% per month, or even higher, respectively. However, theoretically, if their economy overheats, their value may decline just as swiftly.
The decrease in the value of company No. 9 may amount to 50%, i.e. token-shares can suddenly lose half of their value.
In the case of company No. 10, there is no such limitation, which means that the token-shares may be completely devalued.
If you pay close attention to the current statistics pertaining to the transactions of these companies, you can foresee the moment when the demand will start to fall and when you should stop trading and lock in your profits.
Moreover, this can be done at any time.
- Token-shares of all virtual companies (1-10) have 2 prices on QADSAN:
- The buying price is the price at which you can purchase these token-shares;
- The selling price is the price at which you can sell these token shares.
- QADSAN earns profit from the commission charged for the purchase of token-shares:- 3% for purchases ranging from #1-8 token-shares
– 5% for purchases of APP token-shares (#9)
– 9% for purchases of TES token-shares (#10)
No commission is charged on the sale of token-shares. - Prices for token-shares of Ordinary Companies N1-7 are set, inter alia, in accordance with market conditions:
If the circulation supply of token-shares as a result of the last round has increased, then the price in the next round will increase in proportion to the difference in the circulation supply of token-shares between the two previous rounds.
Accordingly, if the circulation supply of token-shares in circulation has decreased in comparison with the previous round, then the price of token-shares in the next round will decrease according to the same algorithm, but no more than 20% in one round. - QADSAN guarantees that you can always buy any number of token-shares from it at the current PURCHASE price and sell any number of token-shares to it at the current SALE price.
- The token-shares prices for the Privileged Company (8) and High Profit and High Risk Companies (9 and 10) change twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays along with the prices of ordinary companies.
- You can see the prices of token-shares on any exchanges where QADSAN tokens are traded.
- There are no conditions that determine how long a token holder can keep his shares. Players have the right to sell their token-shares immediately after purchasing them. In addition, they keep their token-shares for as long as they want.
- QADSAN tokens can be paid “dividends” in the form of token-shares of virtual companies or QADSAN tokens. After paying “dividends” with token-shares of virtual companies, a corresponding number of QADSAN tokens are burned.
- The minimum deposit (purchase amount) is $0.01, the maximum amount is not limited.
- Only the wallets specified in the QADSAN profile are considered official wallets of the game. QADSAN reserves the right not to take into account assets on other wallets when conducting promotions and any events within the framework of the project.
IMPORTANT: in any mass exchange of tokens, priority is given to registered participants who have indicated their wallet and Telegram username in their profile. - US citizens cannot participate in the QADSAN market game.If you wish to see the complete rules, click here.
Assets issued by QADSAN
Make sure to check the issuer address when adding assets, there are many fake assets on the market!
QADSAN token is the primary token of the QADSAN market game. Its value is dictated by market forces, influenced by supply and demand. The token is primarily used for in-game transactions, staking, and project management. The total supply of QADSAN tokens is capped at 10 billion and exists on Polygon and BNB Chain (Binance) networks.
Name: QADSAN token
Polygon address: 0x6082ab7E0068512E74A577fDbF94730d958d0625
BNB Chain (Binance) address: 0x6eb9a2de580d68a5994da78840306cff5fdb4bd6
Total supply: 10,000,000,000 QADSAN
Symbol: GGL
Name: GGL (Global Gaming Ltd.)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 GGL
Symbol: PPL
Name: PPL (Pure Power Ltd.)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 PPL
Symbol: NIK
Name: NIK (Nano Innovations Kinetics)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 NIC
Symbol: MCR
Name: MCR (Mega Construction & Realty)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 MCR
Symbol: PPS
Name: PPS (Perfect Pharma Solutions)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 PPS
Symbol: VIS
Name: VIS (Virtual Investment Services)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 VIS
Symbol: TEL
Name: TEL (Telecom Enterprises Ltd.)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 TEL
Symbol: FAC
Name: FAC (Financial Advisory Corp.)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 FAC
Symbol: APP
Name: APP (Appetite Technologies)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 APP
Symbol: TES
Name: TES (Tech & Eco Systems)
Polygon address:
BNB Chain (Binance) address:
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 TES
Symbol: AMZ
AMZ (Amazing Multiplayer Zone)
AMZ Token is a special token of the QADSAN Token-Shares Market Game project that allows you to place bets on the increase or decrease in the price of other QADSAN token-shares and earn up to 100% per day or even more!
Name: AMZ (Amazing Multiplayer Zone)
Polygon address: 0x4a049963cfea9d2c2900699e0447bd2db54a5158
BNB Chain (Binance) address: 0x3E50c2879E832E3E5D19f1240d78BA77FC7A42Da
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 AMZ
Symbol: INDEX
QADSAN-10 Composite Index (INDEX) is a QADSAN Token-shares Market Game daily published composite index calculated based on 10 token-shares prices
INDEX gives you profit from all 10 token-shares. More about INDEX…
Name: QADSAN-10 Composite Index
Polygon address: 0x17d364d11Bc4dc7e2464B478a33114AF9BF22AF1
BNB Chain (Binance) address: 0xBE2B87914Fc6B272F3863b8E93D7F83D6317EAc3
Total supply: 10,000,000,000 INDEX
Disclaimer: All company names and branding attributes are not associated with any real company. Any coincidence with existing or former companies is accidental.
*However, you must remember that this is only a game and you may lose your bets if the market falls.