Bonus Program Rules


Inviting friends is easy. All your friends need to do is to follow your unique invite link and join QADSAN. It is strongly recommended not to use special services where users complete task for money for recruiting new referralsthat’s not allowed on our website, and all such users will be banned as soon as we know about it.

请记住,要计算您的邀请,您的朋友需要填写他们激活的 Stellar 地址,以及他们的个人资料中的 Telegram 昵称。

激活的恒星地址是一个地址,为 QADSAN 代币和任何代币份额打开了信任线。

请注意,虽然每位新参与者在注册后立即获得注册奖金并从他们购买我们的虚拟代币份额开始赚取利润,但他们必须是 Telegram 用户,以及我们官方 Telegram 组的成员才能将他们的利润存入他们的区块链钱包。

在极少数情况下,您可能需要通过其他方式验证您的身份,然后才能将您的红利利润转换为 KOOBECAF 代币份额。


You can earn your invite reward as many times as you wishjust invite more friends.

We reserve the right to restrict or fully forbid any user from access to the referral program and/or refuse their reward if we suspect violation of terms or notice any activity we determine as abusive (for example, inviting yourself, fictitious people, or already existing users) or causing damage to the QADSAN brand (for example, in connection with sexually explicit, discriminatory or illegal content).



我们再次提请您注意 QADSAN 奖金计划旨在吸引新的活跃参与者这一事实。如果新参与者没有采取任何措施从应计奖金中获利,即自注册之日起 15 天内没有购买或存入代币股份,则其被视为不活跃,并扣除其应计奖金从他们的帐户余额。

Bonuses accrued to their senior partner for inviting them are also canceled and all profits accrued on them are debited from this participant’s balance. Thus, despite the fact that profit is accrued on all purchased and deposited token shares, you can only withdraw profit accrued in an amount equal to the sum of bonuses for active partners in five paid levels of the affiliate network.

So, if your partner network at the time of profits withdrawal has 5 first line partners, 10 second line partners, 15 third line partners, 2 forth line partners and 8 fifth line partners, but, actually, only 3 first line partners, 6 second line partners and 2 fifth line partners of them have made their bonus deposits, then you can only withdraw a part of all the profit accrued on 3 * 20 + 6 * 10 + 2 * 1 = $ 123 (instead of profit on 5 * 20 + 10 * 10 + 15 * 5 + 2 * 2 + 8 = 287 dollars that are in your deposits). The rest amount is debited from your account balance after 2 weeks, the profit on such deposits is also canceled.

因此,我们强烈建议您不要使用为完成任务(也称为美元)或创建多帐户提供付款的网站。 提款时,每个帐户都经过仔细检查。如果检测到任何违规行为,您将无法获得预期的利润。

邀请加入 QADSAN 并获得更多利润!